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Get Involved

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Engage the County

  • Attend and speak during public comments or on a regular agenda item at regular monthly County Board meetings (no meetings in August)

  • Engage board members at Open Door Mondays, register before 5pm on the day (no meetings in August)

  • Get notifications of key county meetings at sub-board level, attend relevant meetings (Housing Arlington, planning, zoning, urban forestry, housing conservation district, site plan review committees, etc.)

  • Engage the school board on tree preservation, school boundaries, planning needs for new schools, etc.

  • Email the county board ( and county manager Mark Schwartz to ask that they: 

    • Hold off on any new upzoning or bonus density until we have absorbed effects of recent density giveaways in Arlington (Amazon, affordable/senior and non-conforming duplexes, accessory dwelling units, Crystal Gates, etc.) and studied effects of upzoning implemented elsewhere (Minneapolis, LA, Portland, Seattle) 

    • Ban removal of mature trees in most neighborhoods and on public property; stop decline of street-level green space; reverse steady increase in impervious surfaces

Engage the Community

  • Request an ASF Yard Sign by emailing

  • Request that other groups or civic associations have ASF speak at their next meeting

  • Post ASF content -- especially event notices -- on NextDoor and neighborhood listserves

  • Get on our mailing list, volunteer, attend ASF public meetings; solicit interest among friends,

  • Engage others at community events -- farmers markets, fairs, PTA events, church, soccer games, garden clubs -- on our core issues

  • Post our events and media items relating to ASF or our issues to your facebook page or other social media

  • Sign up to water a tree and help the county during drought, ask neighbors to do likewise


Engage the Media

Engage the Commonwealth

  • Contact your State Delegate or State Senator to oppose statewide upzoning, to support Chesapeake Bay stormwater legislation, to oppose state control over county ability to adopt tree ordinances, to encourage robust funding of the Affordable Housing Trust Fund, to maintain support for public transportation, etc.  

Educate Yourself

  • Learn and stay informed via social media, push notifications of media items, ASF website, nonprofit studies (Urban Institute, Sightline Institute, Schar School of Government, Brookings), and extensive Arlington County Board documentation/regulations

Arlingtonians for Our Sustainable Future

ASF keeps you up to date as Arlington government seeks to change the way we live, work, play and interact with one another in America’s smallest county.

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